TagClouder is a software for academic research developed by Niels Schrader and Michał Ejdys. The software allows to visualize and examine the distribution of relations between listed items categorized by the user.

TagClouder is distributed under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs). You will find the specified conditions here.

To get started, download TagClouder version 1.5 here and double click the application.

The software requires Java version 6 or newer to run. To verify if you have at least Java 6 enabled on Mac OS, visit your Java Preferences application and make sure Java 6 or newer is enabled and on the top of the list. Otherwise, follow your usual routine to get your system up to date, or visit www.java.com for downloads.

If you are interested in contacting us, please drop us a line via the following 3c6120687265663d226d61696c746f3a6e69656c73406d696e6464657369676e2e696e666f223e652d6d61696c3c2f613e. Comments or suggestions for improvement are always welcome.

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Input files: TagClouder reads csv files with data. It expects one header line with names of all columns, followed by one line per record. First column should contain the name of the record, and will be used to display in the cloud. Next, there can be multiple columns with categories describing the records. Each record, however, can only have one value for the given category. Download a sample file here: games.csv.

© 2011-2013 Mind Design, Amsterdam

History of versions